What To Eat After Teeth Whitening?

If you’re planning to have your teeth professionally whitened at your dentist’s office, or at home using a dental-grade whitening kit from your dentist, you may want to avoid certain foods. Teeth whitening expands the pores in the enamel of the teeth, so in the first 48 hours after your whitening treatment, it is crucial to avoid foods known to cause staining. Here are suggestions of what to eat after teeth whitening.

Foods to Avoid After You’ve Had Your Teeth Whitened

Foods that are notorious for staining teeth should be avoided after having your teeth whitened. A partial list of these foods include:


In addition, you should avoid smoking, smokeless tobacco, and vaping after you’ve had your teeth whitened.

Foods That Won’t Stain the Teeth After Professional Whitening

For the first few days after professional teeth whitening, it’s best to stick with foods that will not stain the teeth. Ideas include:

What Makes a Good Candidate for Teeth Whitening

Many people are ideal candidates for teeth whitening. Those most likely to have a good result from in-office teeth whitening, include patients who:

Keeping Your Teeth White After Professional Whitening

To maintain the results of your professional teeth whitening be sure to follow these tips.


If you are not a good candidate for teeth whitening, talk with your dentist about other options that may be available for stained teeth. In some cases, a dental crown or cosmetic dental bonding may give you the whiter smile you want. 

Frequently Asked Questions about Teeth Whitening 

Do you offer financing for teeth whitening?

We accept third-party financing from CareCredit for teeth whitening. We do not offer in-house financing for teeth whitening.


How long will my teeth stay white after professional whitening?

Everyone is a bit different. With excellent oral hygiene habits and regular dental cleanings, you may experience whiter teeth for up to one year. Some people will need to whiten their teeth a couple of times a year to maintain their results. 

Schedule a Dental Appointment in Holyoke, MA

If it’s been six months or longer since your last dental appointment, or if you’re interested in whitening your teeth, schedule an appointment at Oakdale Dental Associates in Holyoke, MA. We begin seeing patients at 8:00 am Mon-Fri to best accommodate our busy patients. Call 413-536-1782 or send us a message to request your appointment.

How Much Does Teeth Whitening Cost in Holyoke, MA?

Do you want whiter teeth? Maybe you’ve noticed when you look in the mirror or see pictures of yourself that your teeth are looking a little dull or discolored. This is completely normal. Teeth yellow over time due to the things we eat and drink or other habits like smoking. 

There are a variety of teeth whitening products available in stores that offer a range of results. However, you will get the best results from professional teeth whitening treatment from your dentist. 

How much does professional teeth whitening treatment cost? Here’s a general idea of what you can expect.

Average Cost of Teeth Whitening at the Dentist’s Office

If you inquire about teeth whitening treatment at your dentist’s office, you will likely be quoted something around $500. Some treatments may cost more, some less. Store bought products like white strips and gels will cost less than $100, but the results are not as dramatic and may not last as long. 

Benefits of Professional Teeth Whitening Treatment

You may be wondering if there are any advantages to paying for professional teeth whitening at your dentist’s office rather than trying over the counter products. Advantages include:

Professional Strength Whitening Treatment at Home

Do you want professional results, but prefer to whiten your teeth at home? Many professional whitening treatments have a take-home version that can be used in place of a treatment in the dentist’s office. The take-home treatment can also be used in between treatments in the office to help maintain your results.

Oakdale Dental Offers the Opalescence Teeth Whitening System

Opalescence Boost whitening treatment is one of the top products used by dental practices. Oakdale Dental provides this product both in the office and in a take-home version. We have seen the amazing results in many of our patients who are highly satisfied with the product. In a single appointment, your teeth can be whiter than they would be after weeks of using an over the counter treatment. 

Are you ready to see the results for yourself? Call 413-536-1782 today to schedule a consultation or request an appointment. We look forward to helping you achieve a brighter, whiter smile.